The husband had a problem with swollen cheeks, the wife became a walking skeleton, her face was such that you will scream after seeing it!

The husband had a problem with swollen cheeks, the wife became a walking skeleton, her face was such that you will scream after seeing it!

Rapid Weight Loss: God has made everyone different. Some people’s body doesn’t show any fat no matter what they eat, while others gain weight very quickly. It is important that you learn to accept your body and feel good about yourself. A woman from Russia could not build up this confidence and she emaciated herself so much that she started looking scary.

This is the story of Yana Bobrova, a resident of Russia. In the year 2023, she came into the limelight when her pictures started going viral on social media. She started losing weight after a comment from her husband and now looks like a skeleton. This story is very important for those who do crash dieting in an attempt to lose weight.

The woman has lost her weight to 22 kg
According to a report published in the Daily Star, Yana Bobrova, who lives in Russia, has melted herself into a skeleton for the happiness of her husband. Anyone will scream after seeing her transformation. Yana’s weight has reduced to that of a 4-5 year old child. Yana, a resident of Belgrade, is 5.2 feet tall and weighs 22 kilograms. She started dieting after a comment from her husband and now looks completely thin.

Husband did not like puffy cheeks
The woman told the local media that her husband had commented on her puffy cheeks, after which her confidence level decreased. Since she had been dieting earlier, she adopted the same method this time too. While losing weight, she gradually turned into a skeleton but her husband did not stop her. He even made her quit her job and also stopped her from meeting people. The woman, who lives alone, is a victim of malnutrition and there was no one to tell her that she looks like a skeleton.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Bizarre news, Weird news

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