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In Dublin, people did such an act for years with the effigy of Molly Malloni that now the color of the effigy has started coming down. Whoever passes through there, he touches the chest of the effigy. Due to repeated touching people, this statue made of bronze …Read more
This idol was installed in 1988. (Photo: Canva)
In the name of beliefs, there is so much strange in the world that when people of other countries come to know about it, they are surprised. Many times faith turns into superstition and people do not understand that they are making mistakes. People ruined an idol due to one such superstition in a city in Ireland. There is a statue of a woman (Molly Malone Statue) on the roadside here. People do dirty acts with the idol. Due to this act of his, such a condition of effigies has become that now people have come to stop.

People touch the breast of the idol. (Photo: Reddit)
According to the BBC report, people did such an act for years with the effigy of Molly Malloni in Dublin that the color of the effigy has started coming down. Whoever passes through there, he touches the chest of the effigy. Due to repeated touching people, the color of this bronze statue has also started descending from the chest part. Now a campaign has requested that the Molly Malon statue of Dublin be preserved and the general public should be prevented from touching the statue’s breasts.

The statue deteriorating due to peculiar tradition. (Photo: Reddit)
Touched and touched idol
23 -year -old Tilly Cripwell is a campaign, he says that the idol’s chest has been put on his hand so many times that now the color of the chest has come down. They believe that this is the indecent behavior of the people, due to this dirty act, such a situation has happened. They believe that even though she is an idol, she is a statue of a woman, in such a situation, people are showing their wrong thinking. The Dublin City Council says that they are considering Tili’s proposal. Tilly said that the idol should be painted again and placed on the high platform, so that no one can touch it.
Who is Molly Malloni
Now the question arises that who is Molly Malloni, why is his effigy on Dublin’s road and why do people do such disgusting act with their effigies? The effigy of Molly Meloni was installed here 37 years ago. Nobody knows whether Molly was actually a woman or just a fictional character. It is believed that this woman used to sell shellfish on the streets of Dublin. The character of Molly Meloni is seen connecting to the middle class and lower middle class of Dublin. There is a traditional folk song in Ireland, which mentions Molly. According to the song, she was the daughter of a fish selling person who used to sell fish on a small cart. He died of high fever, but after dying, his ghost returned to Dublin and it is believed that even today his ghost comes out with the same cart at night. Some people believe that she used to sell fish during the day and indulge in wrongdoing at night. This idol was made by Jean Renhart.
Because of this people touch the breast of the idol
Now come on the second question that why do people touch the chest of the idol? Actually, in the last several years, a belief started spreading that touching the chest of the idol will make the fate of a human being good. What was it then, this series started fast and every visiting person started touching the chest of the idol. Many tourist companies also left no stone unturned to spread this superstition. He spread that if someone takes photographs while touching the idol’s breast, then he will definitely come back to this city.