Diabetes is a lifestyle disease that is growing rapidly in the whole world. In this disease, it is very important to balance the sugar level after eating blood sugar level during the fast. In such a situation, in addition to diet, an attempt can be made to control the sugar level through walking. In such a situation, it is often said that sugar patients should try to walk as much as possible. They should sweat separately to do everything. In such a situation, the question arises whether the sugar is reduced by walking?
Does walking reduce sugar?
According to the American Diabetes Association, it is very important for diabetes patients to be active. The more active people remain, the less the chances of getting diabetes. Actually, the more you walk, the faster your sugar level will be. You can understand this in this way:
Walking at a high speed helps the cells of the pancreas to function faster.
This method accelerates sugar metabolism and prevents the sugar level from growing in the blood by digesting food rapidly.
Walking always keeps your sugar control.
How much should diabetes patient walk?
According to the ‘American Diabetes Association’, 10,000 steps or at least 30 minutes can help you control sugar. If you are having trouble walking 30 minutes at a time. So fix the time of 10 minutes in the morning, afternoon and evening throughout the day.
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During this time, keep your food under control, especially on the carbs, which need to be run too much to digest. Therefore, diabetes patients should try to walk in the morning or evening and walk. During this time, decide that you have to walk continuously at this speed and always keep this problem under control.
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