The man was suffering from coughing for 2 years, everyone thought he had cancer, then when the real reason was revealed, even the doctors were shocked!

The man was suffering from coughing for 2 years, everyone thought he had cancer, then when the real reason was revealed, even the doctors were shocked!

Sneezing or coughing is a common occurrence, unless there is a serious illness behind it. Sometimes the cough that comes during a cold or an infection increases so much that it continues for weeks and months. However, if the cough continues for a year, then it can be a symptom of some serious illness.

The man had been coughing so much for the last 2 years that he got the misconception that he had cancer. However, when he understood the real reason behind it, he could not believe it. This is the story of a 54-year-old man from Zhejiang province of China, whose cough had become chronic.

The cough was not stopping for 2 years
According to a report in the South China Morning Post, a 54-year-old man with the surname Shu had been coughing so much for the past two years that he was fed up. He took all kinds of medicines, but the cough had no effect. Finally, he consulted throat specialists at Zhejiang Hospital. When he was scanned, it was found that the man had a 1 cm mass in his lungs, which could cause pneumonia or even a tumor. Doctors even suspected cancer and gave him a date for surgery.

‘Chilli’ came out in place of tumor
The doctors wanted to first examine the tissue of the mass in the lungs so that the stage of cancer could be ascertained. However, when they looked, they found the upper part of a chili pepper in the lungs. When Shu came to know about it, he said that 2 years ago he had choked while eating hotpot and perhaps that was when the chili pepper went inside. Since it was buried under the tissue, no one could ever see it in the scan. The doctors were surprised that how the man was suffering from such a cough for two years?

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Viral news, Weird news

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