The reason for which he married his girlfriend turned out to be a lie! The man shared his grief, people started supporting the girl

When two people like each other as lovers, there is a reason behind it. Sometimes they like each other’s nature and sometimes they like each other’s looks. This reason sometimes becomes the reason for marriage. But imagine if you choose your partner for a particular reason and later you come to know that the reason is false, then how will you feel? Of course your heart will break. This happened with a man, who came to know such a thing about his wife (Man find wife secret) after many years of marriage, that he shared his grief on social media. But instead of supporting him, people started supporting the girl.

Recently a post has been shared on the social media platform Reddit’s group r/relationship_advice in which a 27-year-old man has shared his grief. The man told that when he was 18 years old, he joined the military (Soldier find wife old secret). Where he was posted, he met an 18-year-old girl. Both of them started liking each other and started dating. But after 3 months he was deployed somewhere else, due to which he had to go to another place for some time.

The boy left after ending the relationship
While leaving, he told the girl that if she wanted, she could end the relationship because he did not want to tie her in a bond. Both of them ended the relationship by mutual consent, stopped dating but as per the girl’s wish, both of them remained in touch with each other. When the boy’s deployment was over and he started coming back to the same place, then both of them started talking again and dating started between them. The boy thought that while he was away, the girl might have started dating others, but when he returned, the girl said that she had never dated anyone and she was waiting for him. This was the biggest reason. On hearing this, the boy immediately proposed to her for marriage and both of them soon got married.

I (27m) found out one of the big reasons I married my wife (27f) was a lie. Should I bring it up?
byu/Electronic-Test-9836 inrelationship_advice

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