the rules for meeting prisoners in jail is there VIP system in jail also

The court decides the punishment for the crime of any accused in the country. In this situation, sometimes the court sends the accused to jail, and sometimes releases him on some fine. It depends on the crime of the accused and the decision of the court. But the question is, what are the rules for meeting jail prisoners and what are the rules for VIP prisoners in jail? Today we will tell you the answers to these questions.

Jail visiting rules

Let us tell you that if a person is lodged in jail, then some rules have been made regarding his meeting his family members. According to the jail manual, a prisoner can meet visitors twice a week, either physically or through video conference. Apart from this, they will have to tell the names of the visitors before meeting them.

Apart from this, according to jail protocol, a prisoner can give the names of ten visitors. Three of these people can meet the prisoner at the same time twice a week. Let us tell you that every state and central jail has its own rules regarding visits.

According to Rajasthan Jail Rules, an undertrial prisoner is allowed to meet once a week and a criminal (who has been convicted) is allowed to meet him once in 15 days. Husband, wife, children, other relatives, friends and lawyers are eligible to meet. Three people are allowed to meet together at the time of appointment.
Apart from this, meetings are not conducted in Delhi’s Tihar Jail on Saturdays, Sundays and government holidays. Visitors do not have to pay any fee to visit. The time to meet family is between 9.30 am to 1 pm. Apart from this, a lawyer or any other legal advisor can be found between 3 and 3.30 pm.

Jail visiting process

The rules of jails of every state are different. Like in Rajasthan, the visitor has to fill a form from the jail. This form is available for two rupees from a clerk present at the jail gate. The identity card and photograph of the visitor is also attached with the form. Once the set of forms is submitted, they are sent to the office inside the jail for further action. The accepted and rejected forms are sent to the main gate of the jail. This process takes about two hours. Therefore, those making appointments are advised to reach two hours in advance. The duration of the meeting is up to 45 minutes.

what are the rules

Let us tell you that when a family member goes to meet their prisoner in jail, they are searched. For example, the items which are prohibited as per the jail manual are not allowed to be taken. Apart from this, the purpose of meeting should be domestic or legal. The meeting also takes place in front of the jail officer.
Apart from this, a system has been prepared by the Government of India to meet the families of the prisoners serving their sentence in jail, which is named eMulakat System. The e-meeting system has been prepared by the National Prison Department of the Central Government. Through this system, relatives of prisoners can make online video calls with prisoners. Apart from this, you can also register online to meet the prisoners. Apart from this, the facility of making video calls is also available through e-meeting system by the Government of India.

read this also: How is the life of prisoners in Tihar, such are the rules, do they even get non-veg?

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