The secret of snake venom! How much venom do they make and how much do they release? Expert explains

The secret of snake venom! How much venom do they make and how much do they release? Expert explains

Khargone. There are many myths and beliefs about snakes. One of them is how much poison they produce and how much poison they release when they bite humans. Many of them believe that snakes have an unlimited store of poison. A snake expert has shared accurate information on this subject.

How is snake venom produced?
Khargone’s snake catcher and snake expert Mahadev Patel told local 18 that different species of snakes produce different amounts of venom throughout the day. The venom of snakes is produced in their special glands and it is a complex mixture. Which includes proteins, enzymes and toxins.

1.Cobra: Poisonous snakes like cobras can produce an average of 100-200 milligrams of venom in a day.

2.Wiper: The venom production of snakes of the Viperidae species is 50-100 mg per day.

3. Krait: Krait species of snakes produce about 10-15 milligrams of venom per day.

amount of snake venom
When a snake bites a human or prey, it releases venom. The amount of venom released depends on several factors, including the snake’s species, size, and the severity of the bite.

1.Cobra: An average cobra bite can contain 50-100 milligrams of venom. This venom affects the nervous system and can be fatal if not treated on time.

2.Wiper: A single bite of a viper can contain 20-50 milligrams of venom. This venom affects blood circulation and tissues, causing severe swelling and bleeding.

3. Krait: A single bite of a krait can contain 5-10 milligrams of poison. This poison affects the nervous system and can be extremely dangerous.

what is the expert’s opinion
Snake expert Mahadev Patel says, “The amount and effect of snake venom depends on their species and circumstances. It is necessary to get medical help immediately in case of any snakebite. Modern antivenom therapy is effective in treating most snakebites, but timely treatment is essential.

Tags: Amazing news, Cobra Snake, Local18, Mp news

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