The story of ‘Khoda Bhoot’ of Rajasthan, strange incidents used to happen every night

The story of ‘Khoda Bhoot’ of Rajasthan, strange incidents used to happen every night

Barmer: Till date, no scientific basis has been found for the stories related to ghosts, but these stories are still heard and told for centuries. One such story is of Khoda Bhoot of Barmer, Rajasthan. Actually, a head priest of a nearby monastery used to go to feed the ghosts every night. When the Mahatma used to disappear to feed the ghosts, his disciple got suspicious. One day the disciple followed the Guru and then what he saw surprised him. This is where the story of Khoda Bhoot begins.

The story is that there is a Khejri tree in the Chohtan tehsil of Barmer…there is an old belief that ghosts used to come to this Khejri tree at night. The head priest of the Chohtan monastery, Bhavpuri, used to feed those ghosts at night. When Bhavpuri used to feed the ghosts at night, he would not let anyone know about it.

The disciple who followed the Guru saw a strange incident
Once when Bhavpuri’s disciple Dungarpuri came to Chauhatan Math, he saw that his Guru used to disappear at night. To find out about this, when he followed his Guru Bhavpuri at night, he saw that he was feeding the ghosts. Dungarpuri was shocked to see this incident. When Dungarpuri’s eyes fell on those ghosts, all the ghosts disappeared from there. During this, one ghost could not run away because he was handicapped. Due to not being able to run away, that ghost remained there.

When Bhavpuri returned after a few days, he saw that all the ghosts were missing. When he called the ghosts, only the lame ghost who could not run away came forward. When Bhavpuri asked the lame ghost about the other ghosts, he told that all the ghosts ran away after seeing his disciple. After this, Bhavpuri asked the lame ghost to stay there near Khejri and himself went to Dungarpuri Maharaj. Bhavpuri went and held Dungarpuri’s feet.

became a disciple by taking second birth
On this Dungarpuri said that it is not right for the Guru to hold the feet of the disciple. On this Bhavpuri said that I want to become your disciple. On this Dungarpuri said that this cannot happen in this birth. For this you will have to take another birth. The story ahead is that a Seth lived in the area near the monastery and the Seth was not having a child. So Bhavpuri told the Seth that he will have a child but he will have to offer it to the monastery. After this Bhavpuri took another birth as the Seth’s child and then became Dungarpuri’s disciple.

This was the story of Khoda ghost
In the local language, Khoda means lame. Hence, it got the name Khoda Bhoot. The Khejri tree which is called Khoda Bhoot has a board on which Khoda Bhoot is clearly written. People also come to this place to worship.

It is said that when Bhavpuri was going near Dungarpuri, he tied Khoda Bhoot to the same Khejri tree with a rope so that it could not run away. Even today, the rope is tied to the tree and it is believed that Khoda Bhoot still lives there. However, there is no scientific proof of this. A settlement has also been built at a short distance from the Khoda Bhoot place where people live. There is also a big hill behind this Khoda Bhoot place.

where is the lost ghost
The place where Khoda Bhoot is located is situated near a hill on the way to Bair Mata in Chohtan tehsil of Barmer. This place is also known as Khoda Khejad Sthan or Khoda Devasthan. Newly married couples also worship it and circumambulate it.

Importance of Khejri in Rajasthan
You have heard the story of Khoda Bhoot. Now let us give you some information about the Khejari or Shami tree found in Rajasthan. This tree is very important in Rajasthan, due to which Khejari has got the status of state tree in Rajasthan. Khejari has been worshipped here since the Mahabharata period. During the Mahabharata, the Pandavas also used to worship Khejari because they used to hide all their weapons in Khejari trees.

Apart from drought-resistant properties, Khejri trees have the ability to withstand frost in winters and heavy temperatures in summers. This tree grows in sand and sand dunes found in water-scarce desert areas. Many animals like camels and goats eat its leaves. The shade beneath it is also very dense. People make vegetables from its fruits and also use its leaves.

Note: This story of Rajasthan is based on belief. Even today many people visit the place mentioned in the story.

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Tags: Ajab Gajab, Local18, Premium Content, Rajasthan news

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