The unique salty tea of ​​the mountains is made from sattu, jaggery, ghee and flour! Learn how to make it

The unique salty tea of ​​the mountains is made from sattu, jaggery, ghee and flour!  Learn how to make it

Sonia Mishra/Chamoli. These days, while the cold has ended in the plains of Uttarakhand and the summer season is about to begin, the cold still continues in the mountains. A special type of tea is consumed by the women of Bhotia tribe in the hilly areas of Uttarakhand. Which is called ‘Jya’. Sattu, jaggery, ghee, flour and salt are used in this tea. Which is made when the guest comes to the house along with auspicious functions like wedding, mundan, people of Bhotiya tribe like to drink this tea in every season, be it winter or summer.

Lovely Rana, resident of Chamoli, says that salty tea drunk in winter is not only healthy but also full of taste. The way of making it is also very special. To make salty tea, first water is heated in a vessel, after which tea leaves (Dhuner) are added to it. Cook the tea leaves till they boil. And after filtering, add milk, salt, a pinch of flour as per taste, 1 to 2 spoons of Ghee/Pina Ghee (made by grinding the seeds inside Chuli, Daati walnut seeds, coconut) in ‘Dumbu’ (glass shaped wooden vessel). And that tea is whipped in a Dumbu, after which after some time that tea is poured into a bowl and served and this tea is drunk with Sattu.

Snack of salty tea and sattu
Local resident Mangasiri Devi says that in winter they all serve salty tea and sattu for breakfast. She says that although Jya is consumed in every season but everyone likes to drink it as soon as the winter season starts. It is also very beneficial for health because ghee, salt and special type of tea leaves are used in it, which have hot nature.

leave home in summer
Mangasiri Devi says that during the summers, when she stays in Neeti Ghati for six months, she cooks different types of dishes and in the winters, she lives in Deoli Bagad, Kaleshwar. Local Diksha Rana says that she cooks local dishes along with her traditional costumes in all her auspicious functions, which gives her a chance to get acquainted with her culture.

Tags: Chamoli News, food 18, life18, Local18, Uttarakhand news

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