The woman became a ‘lizard’ as soon as she woke up! Strange marks appeared on the body, when doctors told the reason they were shocked!

The woman became a ‘lizard’ as soon as she woke up!  Strange marks appeared on the body, when doctors told the reason they were shocked!

There are many diseases in the world about which common people are not aware. If by mistake they fall victim to that disease, then it is very difficult to recover from it. Same thing happened with this woman from America. One morning when she woke up, she had become a ‘lizard’! In fact, the skin of that woman had become patchy, dry and with strange marks like the skin of a lizard. He got many medical tests done, but when he came to know about his real disease, he was shocked. The woman said that the symptoms had been there for a few days, but suddenly when she woke up one morning, the symptoms had taken a bigger form.

First of all, the skin on the woman’s body started falling off, like lizards do. (Photo: Cover Images)

According to the report of Daily Star News website, Laura Otting told about her strange condition. Laura said that by the end of November 2020, she started having a dry cough. She felt that she had become a victim of Covid. Because of this, he got dozens of Covid-19 tests done in the next month. But all those tests were negative. Despite this, he was continuously coughing.

female lizard

Rashes started appearing on her body, due to which she was in a lot of pain. (Photo: Cover Images)

Even doctors could not diagnose the disease
By the beginning of 2021, he was suffering from cough, which was not stopping. Suddenly the skin on his fingers started coming off, like that of a lizard or a snake. Besides, strange marks started appearing on his shoulders and arms. He changed many doctors, changed medicines, changed creams, changed lotions but to no avail. With time his pain, rash and its extent also increased. She couldn’t wear clothes, couldn’t sleep, couldn’t even wear shoes. He got about 32 tests done for lung cancer, HIV, Covid etc. It was then that she learned she had a rare auto-immune disease – pityriasis rubra pilaris (PRP).

The disease is very rare
According to Daily Star, only 800 people in America have this rare disease. After undergoing several rounds of chemotherapy, Laura’s condition is now fine and she is recovering. He has now started running marathons. He said that there is only one way to get rid of such diseases, either to live in fear or to live with courage. He has understood the value of life after this disease.

Tags: Amazing news, trending news, Weird news

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