The woman had a twin brother, who was born 7 years ago! Shocking truth not known for 26 years

The woman had a twin brother, who was born 7 years ago!  Shocking truth not known for 26 years

The smallest but strongest unit of our society is the family. Man is incomplete without family. Many times, due to some reasons, people get separated from their families, but when they come to know the truth about them, they are shocked. Same thing happened with a woman from Britain who at the age of 26 came to know that she also has a 7 years elder brother (Woman twin brother 7 years older), who is actually her twin. You would think that if there is so much difference in age, then how can they be twins! Let us give you more information about it.

According to the report of Mirror website, Isabel Paterson of England came to know that her real biological mother is someone else. Marie Flatekval and Colin Tortoise were his parents who implanted 3 eggs and froze 6 eggs. After fertility treatment, Mary donated one of her extra embryos to a childless couple, from whom Isabel was born.

found the family
Isabel, from Cheshire, tracks down her original egg donor, her biological mother, and also discovers that she has a genetic twin brother named Colin. He was born 7 years before her but was Isabel’s twin. They were such that both embryos were from the same batch, that is, they were frozen at the same time. Along with this, Isabel also came to know that she has another brother, whose name is Omar.

Family participated in TV show
Isabelle’s biological father Colin died in 2001, but he located Mary in Norway. He introduced himself to Mary by sending her a letter. Isabel was very nervous in contacting him. Recently, Isabelle participated in a show with her family, where she talked openly about her life. The faces of brother and sister are exactly alike, but both are twins. Till 2005, donors remained unknown to each other, but now the laws have changed.

Tags: Amazing news, trending news, Weird news

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