The woman married her friend, then both of them fell in love with the same girl! They proposed together, now they live together

The woman married her friend, then both of them fell in love with the same girl! They proposed together, now they live together

You must have heard a saying, love is blind, because it does not see the difference of caste, religion, rich-poor, black-white. But in the 21st century, love does not see gender and age either. Nowadays, many people do same-sex marriage. There is nothing surprising in this, it should be accepted easily, but recently people are very surprised about an American couple (Married women fell in love with friend), who loved each other for years, got married together, but then they fell in love with a third person. All three of them are women and now live together.

According to the Daily Star News website, Katie and Ness, who lived in Massachusetts, USA, loved each other. Both were in a relationship for 7 years. Both met in a day care, where they used to work together. Both got married in 2021. During the wedding, their common friend Kaylee was also present who was the maid of honor. After some time, Kaylee also joined the same day care center where Katie and Ness used to work. The friendship of the three deepened but in a short time the equation of their relationship started changing.

Katie, Ness and Kaylee together. (Photo: Instagram/traveling_throuple)

The couple fell in love with a friend
The couple who appeared on the Love Don’t Judge show told that Ness first fell in love with Kaylee. But in the meantime, Katie told Ness that whenever she sees Kaylee, she becomes very conscious. Both of them told each other about their feelings for Kaylee. In November 2022, Katie and Ness went to Disney World in Florida. For this trip, they also invited Kaylee and Ness’s old friend Christina. All four were together, but Christina told that she felt very isolated there because the other three were so engrossed in each other that they were leaving her alone. Then Christina saw that there was more than friendship between Katie, Ness and Kaylee. One night when Christina fell asleep, the three stayed up late and told each other about their feelings.

Now all three live together
The couple proposed to Kylie and they now live together. The three have also traveled to England and Scotland together and have become quite active on social media. Despite all this, they say that they have had to face a lot of criticism on social media. But now they do not care about what people say. They now want to buy a house together and also want to welcome a child together. The three are now traveling a lot together.

Tags: Amazing news, Trending news, Weird news

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