The woman went fishing with her husband, became a widow in the middle of the sea, the wife saved the dead body from vultures for 7 days

The woman went fishing with her husband, became a widow in the middle of the sea, the wife saved the dead body from vultures for 7 days

In the relationship of marriage, both husband and wife are joined for death. Two strangers become one forever. But many times this relationship and this togetherness gets left in the middle. Then one of the two remains alone. But in the matter that we are going to tell you today, the life of the woman has become worse than hell. This woman went on a trip with her husband to the jungles of Amazon. Both felt that these holidays would make their love stronger. However, destiny had other plans.

This woman had to spend a whole week in Brazil with her husband’s dead body. During this many times vultures tried to eat her husband’s dead body. But the brave wife did not stop protecting her husband even after death. Actually, 68-year-old Maria went on the first fishing trip of her life with her husband Jose. But during this time Jose got a heart attack. He died in the boat itself. Maria was left alone in the middle of the sea with her husband’s dead body.

the motor was broken
The matter is of 29 March. Maria’s world came to an end after seeing her husband die in front of her eyes. But she could not even do anything. The motor of her boat was also broken, due to which she was unable to leave the middle of the sea. He had only a way to come out by hitting the paddle. During this he also had to face many dangerous animals. Also included is a four feet alligator. But the vultures harassed Mary the most. Maria had to struggle a lot to save the rotting corpse of her husband from the vultures. While rowing the paddle of the boat, she had to protect her husband’s dead body.

This trip was planned for months

hell for seven days
Maria lived with her husband’s dead body for the whole seven days. Maria told that on the third day after her husband’s death, a man appeared to her in the sea. But he did not stop and help Maria. After this the food kept in Maria’s boat also ran out. Then Maria had to eat raw fish to stay alive. One day he only drank water. Next day ate the flour kept on the boat. And spend these seven days by drinking pure lemon juice. After about seven days, the Navy people found Maria. After this, both of them were taken to the hospital after taking the dead body down. Now Maria is coming out of the shock of losing her husband. His family members are always taking care of him by being with him.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Good news, OMG, Weird news

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