Whenever there is talk of the most dangerous prisons in the world, the name of the prisons of Salvador comes first. When the biggest criminal is brought here, his soul trembles. You may also be surprised to know the reason for this.
Why are Salvador’s prisons considered dangerous?
The prisons of Salvador are considered to be the most dangerous prisons in the world. Incidents like people being burnt alive and playing football after beheading have also come to light here. This also happens because criminals who commit serious crimes are kept in these jails. Due to which many times they try to control the jail. Due to which serious violence is often seen in jail.
There is fear of prisoners in the jailer.
It is said that the most dangerous prisoners live in the prisons of El Salvador. Even the jailers here are afraid of the prisoners. This jail has been built for 10 thousand people. Whereas 33 thousand prisoners live here. According to a report, members of a gang killed their guards here, after beheading one of them, the members of that gang played football with him. Many people in jail here are murdered in this manner.
Let us tell you that about two percent of the adult population of El Salvador is in jail due to some crime or the other. In such a situation, the rate of imprisonment in this country is very high. Here in February, President Bukele had announced the inauguration of a new 40,000 capacity terrorism prison centre. It is said that this prison has been designed to keep the most violent and dangerous criminals.
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