With the announcement of election dates in Delhi, the political turmoil intensified. Meanwhile, Aam Aadmi Party MP Sanjay Singh has made a big attack on BJP. Sanjay Singh took a dig at BJP and said that the world’s largest party is not able to come out of Arvind Kejriwal’s toilet.
While talking to a channel, Sanjay Singh said, we are engaged in the election campaign of the party. Our workers were the first to land on the ground. He went door-to-door and told about our plans. Two big announcements which are going to be implemented… Mahila Samman Rashi Rs 2100 and complete arrangements for the treatment of the elderly. We are talking about our plans.
BJP trapped in propaganda- Sanjay Singh
He said, Bharatiya Janata Party is engaged in spreading false propaganda. The world’s biggest party is stuck in Arvind Kejriwal’s toilet. They are not able to come out of Kejriwal’s toilet. Sometimes they say it is a sleeping seat. Sometimes they say it is a swimming pool. Sometimes it is said that there is a mini bar. Tell me what will you do in Delhi. They are not ready to discuss it.
When AAP MP Sanjay Singh was asked about the allegations related to fake voters, he said, 89 people applied to the Election Commission to delete the names of about 4800 people. When we asked the Election Commission to call these objectors. So the election officials themselves called for objects. After several notices, 18 of them came, the rest did not even come and 18 out of 18 said that we did not give any application to get their names removed. This is such a big fraud going on. Suddenly 13 thousand new votes came in 15 days.