The world’s most dangerous tribe, take lives in hobby, because of this they make their wives ugly!

The world’s most dangerous tribe, take lives in hobby, because of this they make their wives ugly!

There are many such tribes in different parts of the world, who are in discussion because of their weird rituals, lifestyle and food habits. One such tribe is the ‘Mursi Tribe’ living in Ethiopia, East Africa, which is considered the most dreaded in the world. You will be surprised to know that the people of this tribe believe that ‘it is better to die than to live without killing anyone’. In such a situation, they do not miss killing anyone for the sake of hobby. Their habitat is the Oman Valley located on the border of South Ethiopia and Sudan. According to the website, their total population is around 10,000.

People associated with the Mursi tribe are also in discussion about their tradition. One such tradition is to make women ugly, under which the lips of women are cut and wood is inserted into them. In the name of protection from the evil eye, this is done to the women of this tribe as part of the body modification process, due to which their lips grow and hang down. Men believe that if women look ugly, no one will notice them. Women also follow these traditions.

The tradition of wearing disc is performed at the age of 15-16 years. For this, the lower part of the lips of the girls is cut off. Wood is kept in it until the wound is cooked, then after drying, a disc is inserted. However, due to this body modification known as lip-plate, the women here have become the center of attraction in the eyes of tourists from all over the world. Mursi, Chhai and Tirma are the only tribes in Africa, in which the practice of this practice is still going on.

kill in hobby
People of this tribe, which is considered extremely dangerous and powerful, drink cow’s blood to increase their strength. They kill anyone in their hobby, because they feel proud in doing so. To commit murder, they make dangerous weapons out of wood. These weapons are so sharp that they can kill someone in a jiffy. Despite being tourist friendly, if someone goes into their limits without permission, then there is no guarantee of their return alive. The Ethiopian government has also banned contact with them.

advanced weaponry

On the one hand, where these people use traditional weapons for hunting and killing, on the other hand, they also have a stock of modern weapons for security. According to those who know this tribe closely, they have dangerous guns like AK-47. To buy these guns, they have to give 30 to 40 cows. They easily get weapons from neighboring countries Sudan and Somalia.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Good news, shocking news, Weird news

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