The world’s most unique hotel, a shop built alongside, sleep at night, sell the goods in the morning! There is a waiting period of 2 years

The world’s most unique hotel, a shop built alongside, sleep at night, sell the goods in the morning! There is a waiting period of 2 years

When you go to stay in a hotel, you sleep there, eat food and at the most spend time sitting in the hotel garden. The purpose of a hotel is to provide travelers a place to rest and keep their luggage safe. But have you ever heard of a hotel that provides you with a place to stay as well as a business to do business? There is one such unique hotel in Scotland, where you can sleep at night and sell goods during the day because there is also a shop along with the hotel (Bookstore Airbnb Scotland). Because of this, the demand for this hotel is so high that there is a 2-year waiting line to stay here.

According to the Daily Star News website, there is a town in Scotland, Wigtown (Scotland), which is called the National Book Town of Scotland. There is an Air-BNB hotel here. Its name is Open Book. The specialty of this hotel is that it has a hotel on the top, that is, there are rooms to stay and there is a bookstore below, which can be run by the person staying here. The person staying here can become the shopkeeper of this shop and can sell books.

Guests can run the book store as per their convenience.

shop with hotel
This hotel is special for those people who have ever wanted to start their own bookstore by the sea. The hotel has become so famous that there is a rush to stay here and now the waiting period has become 2 years. This is a charity-run Air BnB which opened in August 2014. The Wigtown Festival Company started this hotel. So far 450 guests have stayed in this hotel who came from Hawaii to Beijing.

You can keep the shop’s scheme on your own
People staying here can change the theme of the book shop according to their choice, can change the location of the books, can talk to the people coming to read the book. They can have any kind of scheme in the store, due to which only book lovers come to stay here. The price of the book can also be changed according to your wish. The shop runs for the number of days for which the people stay here. However, no information has been given about who gets the share of the money earned by selling the books. According to Daily Star, recently a woman from Hong Kong has stayed in this hotel.

Tags: Amazing news, Trending news, Weird news

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