The world’s strangest musical instrument, created by a Russian spy in America, has mind-blowing properties!

The world’s strangest musical instrument, created by a Russian spy in America, has mind-blowing properties!

Theremin: The Theremin is the world’s strangest musical instrument, which was invented in 1919 by the Russian physicist Lev Sergeyevich Termen or Leon Theremin. It was known as the Etherphone, Thereminophone or Termenvox. Termen was living a double life in America. He was also a spy for the Russian (then USSR) spy agency KGB. The specialty of this musical instrument is such that knowing about it will blow your senses.

What kind of instrument is theremin?: As reports, the Theremin is the strangest and scariest musical instrument the world has ever seen, with no keys, no strings, just two metal rods that you don’t even touch. You simply move your hands in the air around the instrument, and a trembling voice comes out of it, like an opera singer.

Termen invented this instrument accidentally, actually he was working on some other project. By the next year, Terman had mastered his instrument enough to give his first public music concert. He originally named it ‘Etherphone’. Later, it became known as the termenvox in the Soviet Union and the theremin in the United States.

How did Terman reach America?

Vladimir Lenin, who was the chairman of the new Bolshevik government of Russia at that time. Terman has a meeting with him. After this, Terman was sent across Russia to promote the electrification of the country. Crowds gathered wherever he went. After this, Lenin sent Termen on a tour of Europe and America to demonstrate Russian technology and his performance there was highly praised. When Terman played the theremin, it was considered magic at the time.

Termen opens business in US

Terman struck a deal with the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) to produce the instrument as a commercial venture. Since this musical instrument was not easy to play, this venture soon failed. RCA was America’s leading electronics manufacturer. Termen was living a double life in America. He was also a KGB spy. Terman also ran his own companies, which were fronts for industrial espionage. He also married an American woman, Lavinia Williams, but when the situation became worse, he left his wife and fled back to the Soviet Union.

What is the unique quality of theremin?

Theremin is an electronic musical instrument, which is played without touching the hands. This is the most unique feature of this device. The artist who plays it is called thereminist. He moves his hands in the electromagnetic fields created by the instrument’s two antennas to control the pitch and volume with which the sound is produced. It is very difficult to play, due to which mastering this music is like chewing iron. Some people call it an instrument from ‘another world’.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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