There is a ban on making and selling pan masala in UP. If someone has old stock, can he eat it?

In Uttar Pradesh, the government has completely banned the sale of pan masala and tobacco together at the same shop . The Food Safety Commissioner has issued this order 1 June An order has been issued to make it effective from 2024. In such a situation, paan masala shopkeepers and people who like to eat it can face big problems. , But the question arises that what should those people do who already have a stock of these things with them? ? Can they sell or eat their old stuff? Let’s find out.

Ban on making and selling paan masala in UP

Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006Food safety and standards formulated under (Prohibition and Restriction of Sale) Regulations, Regulations of 2011 2.3.4 The use of tobacco and nicotine as an ingredient in any food product is prohibited, Similarly, tobacco-containing betel leaf is prohibited within the state boundaries of Uttar Pradesh."s1">-Masala, Manufacturing of Gutkha, Packing, Storage, Distribution and sale is prohibited.

Supreme Court decision cited

It is also said in the order that, It has come to notice that various panMasala manufacturing units also manufacture tobacco and betel leavesIs it being done under the same brand name of the masala or under some other brand name. Also read PaanAlong with spice pouches, tobacco pouches are also being stored and sold. In such a situation, this order has been issued citing the Supreme Court.

What will happen to the old stock of shopkeepers?

In this case, action is to be taken from June 1, But in some places, on June 2, the Assistant Commissioner will hold a meeting with the production units and big shopkeepers under the chairmanship of ADM. After this, a week-long awareness campaign will be conducted and raids will be initiated. . However 2 June has given last chance to shopkeepers in the meeting , But now if old stock is found in any shop, legal action will be taken against them. This action is being taken in some places 2 It will start from June itself, while in some places shopkeepers will be given a week’s time .

What action will be taken?

If a shopkeeper is found selling paan masala and tobacco pouches at the same shop, he must first be issued a notice, Then after the trial and hearing, one will have to undergo the penalty proceedings. In this case, a maximum fine of Rs 2 lakh can also be imposed. .

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