there was a time when the poor were not even fortunate enough to get ice cream know the reason

there was a time when the poor were not even fortunate enough to get ice cream know the reason

ice cream, Whether adults or children are born on hearing this name, Sweetness dissolves in the hearts of both, Ice cream, which gives a feeling of coolness and refreshment in the summer season, was once meant only for adults, At that time, this was nothing less than a dream for poor people., Today we will know what was the reason behind this and how over time ice cream reached the common people,

What is the history of ice cream,

The history of ice cream is quite old, This dessert originated primarily in China, Where milk and rice were mixed with ice to make a kind of cold dessert, Slow,Slowly it spread to the Indian subcontinent and Europe, But its reach was limited to the rich class only., It was not possible for poor people to buy it,

Economic Inequality

19th and 20in the th century, when the production of ice cream began, Economic inequality was at its peak in society then, Rich people could enjoy expensive and tasty ice cream, Whereas the poor could not afford such luxuries, This situation is not only with ice cream, but it was also applicable to many other food items,

Let us tell you that at that time special equipment and ingredients are required to make ice cream, which were not available to the general public earlier, At the same time, it was difficult to get ice and other things to keep it cool., In such a situation it was not possible to produce it on a large scale and sell it to the poor,

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How the change began,

20in the middle of the th century, When the industrial revolution and technological advancement took place, Then there was a revolution in the production of ice cream too, because of new machines and techniques, Production of ice cream became cheaper and simpler, This also reduced its cost and made it available to more people,

in such a way as,As ice cream production increased, By the way,By the way, the way of selling it also started changing, separate the ice cream,Offered in different flavours and packaging, Due to which it became special for people of every class.,

changes in society

Changes in society were also necessary to increase the reach of ice cream, As,As awareness in society grows, Concerns also arose about the availability and quality of food for the poor, Several NGOs and government schemes ensured access to affordable ice cream for the poor,

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