‘There was an emergency, what should I have done?’, the doctor opened the patient’s chest with the same knife he used to cut fruits!

‘There was an emergency, what should I have done?’, the doctor opened the patient’s chest with the same knife he used to cut fruits!

People consider doctors to be second only to God. There is only one reason for this that if God gives life and doctors give their life to save even the drowning life. Whatever be the problem, as soon as we reach the doctor we assume that it will get cured if not today or tomorrow. Imagine what would happen if the doctor breaks this trust?

Whenever a patient goes to a doctor, he feels that he is in safe hands. Imagine what would happen if the doctor plays with the patient’s life? Today we will tell you about one such surgeon, who took even the complex surgery of a patient so casually that his fellow doctors were left breathless.

Patient’s chest torn with a Swiss knife
According to the report of Daily Star, this is the case of Royal Sussex Hospital in Brighton. Here a doctor was going to operate on his patient. He did not find a sterilized blade there. In this way, he made a cut in the patient’s chest with the same Swiss knife with which he used to cut fruits for himself during lunch. We all have such a foldable knife, but hardly any surgeon would ever think of using it in an operation.

Fellow doctors were stunned
Professor Graeme Poston was also there and said that he was shocked to see this because even a penknife is not sterilized and it is not an instrument for performing operations. Somehow the patient survived, but later when the doctor’s colleagues told this, everyone in the hospital was stunned. The hospital said that it was a case of emergency, hence the doctor performed the surgery with a Swiss knife, but this cannot be said to be correct.

Tags: Bizarre news, Health, Viral news

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