There will be two dangerous solar storms this year… so know when will the clouds of trouble come to the earth?

There will be two dangerous solar storms this year… so know when will the clouds of trouble come to the earth?

The year 2024 is going to be very special because of astronomical events. Which can also prove to be a cause of problems for people. In fact, there are going to be four eclipses this year, and the sight of meteorites and asteroids moving towards the Earth with their twinkling lights will attract people. Apart from this, according to meteorologists, two solar storms are also going to come this year.

What are solar storms?
Let us tell you that solar storms are plasma coming out of the Sun. Which, when they enter the Earth’s atmosphere, cause damage to our power plants, telecom networks and satellites. According to astrologers, two solar storms may occur this year. Which can emerge from the Sun and reach close to the Earth.

Eclipse will happen four times
Apart from this, according to scientists, four eclipses are going to happen this year. Out of which there will be two solar and two lunar eclipses. The first lunar eclipse of this year will be seen on March 25 and the second on September 18

What is meteor fall
Actually, meteor fall is one of the most beautiful sights of space. This year the Perseid meteor shower will be seen between 11th and 14th August. During this period, 50 to 70 shooting stars will be visible in the dark sky every hour. The Geminid meteor shower will be visible from September 1 to September 15. In which 100 to 150 shooting stars are going to be visible in the sky every hour.

Asteroids will pass between the Earth and the Moon
This year alone, 24 big rocks from very far away in space are moving towards the Earth. Out of which 12 can be seen only in the first month of the year. Of these, four asteroids will pass between the Earth and the Moon in the coming 6 days. Whereas 3-3 asteroids can be seen in the months of April, November and December.

If you are wondering what are asteroids, then let us tell you that these are those rocks which are moving freely in space. These rocks are made of many types of metals. After colliding with the planets, these rocks sometimes become the cause of major destruction. That’s why scientists always keep an eye on them.

Also read: This was the world’s most powerful cannon, it had 100 kg of gunpowder and a shell weighing 50 kg.

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