These 10 foods are the cause of cancer and have been banned in India, do not eat them even by mistake.

FSSAI banned 10 foods in IndiaFood Safety and Standards Authority of India i.e. FSSAI has banned 10 foods available in the market, terming them harmful. So you should also stop eating it from today, because it can cause serious diseases like cancer. Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) monitors the food products available in the market. If any harmful thing is found in any product then it is banned. There are 10 such foods which have been banned by the Food Regulatory Authority of India at one time or the other. However, some of these products have started being sold again after making changes in their contents.

Chinese Milk and Products

A toxic chemical called melamine was found in Chinese milk and milk products, due to which FSSAI banned it in 2008.

artificial ripening agent

To ripen fruits quickly, artificial ripening agents are used, which contain calcium carbide and ethylene gas, which can cause cancer. In such a situation, do not consume artificially ripe fruits.

Chinese Garlic

Chinese garlic was also brought to India in large quantities, but high levels of pesticides were found in it. For this reason, it has also been banned in 2019, it can promote cancer.

energy drink

In India, such energy drinks, which contain high amounts of caffeine, have been completely banned. It can cause cancer and diabetes. However, many energy drinks are still consumed and sold extensively in India. FSSAI has also banned one of these popular drinks. Later, after changing the ingredients, sales started again. However, their use can harm the body and cause cancer and diabetes.

Sassafras Oil

Sassafras oil has also been considered one of the poisonous things. FSSAI had banned it in 2003, because high level uric acid was found in it, which is harmful for the heart.

Other five food items which are banned in India

Food items like genetically modified food, potassium bromate, foie gras, brominated vegetable oil and rabbit meat are completely banned in India, which are not sold here and there is severe punishment for selling them.

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