These 4 facts about virginity will bust all myths read full article in hindi

These 4 facts about virginity will bust all myths read full article in hindi

There are many beliefs in our society about virginity. We often believe them to be true and follow them. Even in the 21st century, we blindly believe in many things which are not good for our future generations. Virginity is known as the character certificate of women and girls in our society. Is this correct?

ABP Live Hindi has started a series on ‘Myth vs Facts’. Through this series, we will try to answer all the myths about pregnancy in society, which people follow thinking them to be true, in a logical manner.

In the ‘Myth vs Facts’ series, we raise such issues. We try to get to the bottom of it. People often use it in their colloquial language. For example, in our society, there are many things about pregnancy that doctors consider myths. Through this Myth VS Truth series, we will present such things to the general public with facts. So that you do not get trapped in the quagmire of old-fashioned false things.

Discussion on the concept of virginity

Now the time has come that we should give up this misconception. We should talk openly on the concept of virginity. Everyone, be it a boy or a girl, needs to be educated on this issue. So that they must have the facts related to it in their mind.

Misconceptions about the hymen

1. There are still wrong notions about hymen in our society. Hymen is a thin membrane. It is often said that if a girl has physical relations with someone, it breaks. And this is how we know whether the girl is a virgin or not. It is also said that bleeding occurs after the hymen breaks. There are such myths about hymen.

Facts: For your information, let us tell you that this thing about the hymen is completely false. Because the hymen does not cover. It is a membrane. It is completely inside. The hymen can also break due to exercise and playing. The hymen does not break just by having sex. The hymen is not a sign of your virginity. It is quite flexible and can be penetrated without breaking. But it is so delicate that it can be affected even by intense physical activity.

2. Virginity Test

Facts: Hymen test cannot be a test of your virginity. It can never disappear forever. It always remains in the body.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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