These 7 symptoms appear on the body a week before stroke, be careful otherwise…

These 7 symptoms appear on the body a week before stroke, be careful otherwise…

Women are more at risk of stroke than men. Stroke is also known as acute neurological disorder. This is extremely dangerous. Today we will tell you something related to stroke which you would hardly know. Its symptoms appear on the body a week before the stroke. But often people take it lightly and ignore it. If it is treated on time, stroke can be avoided. 

These symptoms appear on the body a week before stroke

Difficulty in getting up in the morning

7 days before the stroke, the person starts feeling weak and dull. There is difficulty even in raising hands. There is a feeling of heaviness on the face. However, before stroke the patient is not able to balance his body properly. Due to which a person may fall on the ground. 

Weakness in hand

Before the stroke occurs, difficulty in raising or lowering the hand starts. The person’s hand becomes so weak that he cannot even lift it properly. Half of the person’s body starts becoming weak. 

Blurred vision

The patient does not see properly 7 days before the stroke. Sometimes it happens with one eye and sometimes with both eyes. Sometimes this blurring increases so much that it becomes difficult to move from one place to another. 

Not remembering anything properly

Can’t remember anything properly after stroke. There is difficulty in focusing and remembering anything. If a person suffers a stroke once, he faces a lot of difficulty in remembering anything in the future. This may cause long term problems to the patient. 

Having difficulty in speaking

Before a stroke, the patient may have difficulty speaking. Even after a stroke, you should notice that the patient has a lot of difficulty in speaking. It is very difficult for the patient to speak even a single word. 

Continuing to be tired

If a person always remains tired. At the same time, lack of energy is being felt in the body. Fatigue indicates many diseases. These may be symptoms of stroke. 

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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