These are the top 5 hotels in the world, you will be stunned to hear the rent of one day

These are the top 5 hotels in the world, you will be stunned to hear the rent of one day

The monsoon has arrived. In such a situation, light rain has also started in many places. In this season, people go out for a trip with friends and family. Whenever people go out for a trip, they first book a hotel. Let us tell you today about the top hotels in the world. Along with this, we will also tell you how much rent we have to pay for a day to stay there.

Good hotels are everyone’s favourite

When people often go out for a trip, they need better facilities. This is the reason why better hotels are searched for keeping in mind the facilities and security. Those who have more money look for expensive hotels. Actually, staying in expensive hotels is also a hobby of people these days. However, the rent of staying in expensive hotels is also much higher than that of ordinary hotels.

Benefits of development in tourism

Almost every country in the world has done development work by giving priority to business and tourism sector. Due to this, tourists have definitely increased in their country. Businessmen in the hotel business have also benefited from this step of development. Along with this, the economic conditions of that country have also strengthened a lot. In many countries, the most expensive hotels are available with high quality and excellent services. These hotels are quite famous for their vastness, beauty, comfort and grandeur.

These are the top 5 hotels

Atlantis The Royal Hotel : Atlantis The Royal Hotel is located in Dubai. The rent for one day here is 100,000 US dollars i.e. about 83 lakh rupees. This is one of the most expensive hotels in the world. 

Raj Palace :  Raj Palace is located in Jaipur, India, the rent for one night here is Rs 14 lakh. This is one of the most expensive hotels in India. 

Hotel President Wilson: This hotel is the most expensive hotel in Switzerland. The cost of staying here for one night is Rs 38 lakh.

The Mark Hotel:  This hotel is counted among the most expensive hotels in America. The rent for one night here is Rs 55 lakh. 

 The Ritz-Carlton:  This is one of the most expensive hotels in China. The rent for one night here is Rs 35 lakh. 

Read this also: Which is the most unhappy country in the world?

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