These diseases eat away at the body like termites, be careful!

These diseases eat away at the body like termites, be careful!

Health Risk: To stay healthy and fit, it is very important to have a healthy lifestyle and diet. According to health experts, if you improve both of these, you can protect yourself from many diseases. Due to deteriorating lifestyle and poor diet, people are getting affected by serious diseases at a young age.

Some of these diseases are common but they are so dangerous that they slowly weaken the body and are known as Silent Killer Diseases. Let’s know about 4 such diseases…

High blood pressure
The problem of high BP is quite dangerous. If increased blood pressure is not taken care of, it can lead to the risk of many chronic diseases. WHO estimates that 1.28 billion people aged 30-79 years across the world suffer from high blood pressure. It is considered to be the main cause of heart disease. In this condition, there is also a risk of heart attack.

Increasing blood sugar level has become quite common in everyone these days but it is a very dangerous disease. Increase in blood sugar in the body can cause many diseases. Due to this, there is often a problem of fatigue, weight loss, frequent urination and thirst. If the sugar level is often high then one should be careful, because this can seriously affect the kidney and heart.

Fatty Liver
Increase in fat in the liver is also very common. This problem can occur in both those who drink alcohol and those who do not. Health experts consider this disease to be a silent killer. Sometimes this disease can also cause liver cirrhosis. This condition is very serious. By ignoring liver diseases, you can invite many serious diseases.

If you are unable to sleep, avoid taking it lightly. If it is not corrected immediately, there is a risk of many types of disorders. This can cause sleep apnea. It can affect the body both physically and mentally. Studies have found that the problem of sleeplessness can give rise to many chronic diseases.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

Also read: This cancer is very dangerous, due to lack of information a woman dies every 7 minutes, keep these things in mind

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