These laddus made from sesame and jaggery are no less than a boon in winter, they are easily prepared at home, know the recipe.

These laddus made from sesame and jaggery are no less than a boon in winter, they are easily prepared at home, know the recipe.

Bahraich: In winter, people like this sweet made from white sesame and jaggery very much. To make it, jaggery syrup is prepared in an iron pan, into which white roasted sesame seeds are added and then it is mixed with hands. In this way white sesame laddu is ready. If we talk about the price, it costs up to ₹200 per kg. This special laddu made from jaggery is known by many names. It is called jaggery laddu or sesame laddu.

You can prepare it like this at home
You can prepare sesame and jaggery laddus like this at home also. To make it, jaggery and white or black sesame are required. First, jaggery is put in an iron pan and cooked by adding some water. When the jaggery forms foam and starts rising, then it is thickened, taken out of the furnace and sesame seeds are added.

After this, sesame and jaggery are mixed well. Then small balls are cut and made round. Then within half an hour it becomes edible. After this you can eat it comfortably and enjoy. If we talk about the price, then you can easily get it for ₹ 200 per kg.

It is prepared here in Bahraich
If you want to get delicious ready-made sesame laddu, then you can come to Dargah Road Bakshipura in Bahraich city and get it. Here you will find many shops selling this jaggery laddu. Where you can easily watch the laddus being made and can also order as many as you want. Here along with laddus you can buy many other items made from jaggery. The shops here are very old, where these laddus have been being made since a long time.

Tags: bahraich news, food 18, Food Recipe, Local18, News18 uttar pradesh

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