This 52 layer sweet is no less than dowry, without it no transaction takes place in a marriage, taste is amazing, way of making is unique

This 52 layer sweet is no less than dowry, without it no transaction takes place in a marriage, taste is amazing, way of making is unique

Hazaribagh. Wedding season is going on. In such a situation, many types of sweets have become popular. But, in Bihar-Jharkhand, there is a tradition of having such a sweet during marriage, without which many rituals remain incomplete. The name of this special sweet is Khaja. Khaja is used to exchange sweets during marriage.

Actually, on hearing the name of this sweet, people remember Silav of Bihar. Silav’s Khaja is famous all over the world. It is believed that Khaja sweets also originated from Silav, but there is a Khaja street in Hazaribagh also. Where Khaja is made in more than 6 shops. There is a crowd of buyers here during the wedding season.

All shops of one family
Khaja store operator Vikas Kumar says that the people running all these shops are the same family. The oldest shop in Khaja Gali was established in 1972. Since then, gradually more shops have been opened here by other members of the family. Khaja making work is going on here since 1972. Apart from Khaja, Gujiya, Anarsa and Tilkut are also made here. Currently Khaja is priced at Rs 160 and Rs 200 per kg. The Khaja of Rs 160 is of normal and vertical design, whereas the Khaja of Rs 200 kg is round.

artisans from Bihar
Vikas Kumar further says that in view of the wedding season, about 70 kg of Khaja is being made daily. Which goes to Hazaribagh, Koderma, Ramgarh, Chatra etc. districts. During the wedding season, more artisans have been called from Gaya to make Khaja here, who are making Khaja from morning till evening.

This is how it is prepared
Santosh Kumar, the artisan who makes Khaja, says that Khaja is a sweet of many layers. There are 52 layers in one Khaja. To make this sweet, first of all wheat flour and maida are mixed with mawa and dalda. After this, a dough is made and rolled out to make it long. Then it is folded into several folds. Then it is rolled and given the shape of Khaja. After this, it is filtered in hot oil and poured into thin sugar syrup. It is taken out of the syrup and aired for some time. In this way this sweet is prepared.

Tags: food 18, Hazaribagh news, Local18, Sweet Dishes

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