This barfi has the power of gram… you will get relief from constipation, BP and diabetes too! make at home also

This barfi has the power of gram… you will get relief from constipation, BP and diabetes too!  make at home also

Ashutosh Tiwari/Rewa: Eating too much sweets during winter season leads to weight gain as well as increase in blood sugar level. If you consume processed sweets made from khoya in large quantities then there is a risk of increasing diabetes. But, there is also a sweet in which the secret of health is hidden. By eating this there will be neither diabetes nor the tension of weight gain.

Consuming this sweet has no harm to health but only benefits. This sweet is gram barfi. Gram works as a natural cure for stomach related problems. Apart from Bengali sweets, gram barfi is also available in Bengal Sweets of Rewa. This barfi is made in a special way. The barfi available here is liked a lot by the people. Its price is Rs 440 per kg.

Many benefits of gram barfi
Gram barfi is very beneficial for health. Many nutrients like protein, fiber, manganese, folate, copper, calcium, iron, phosphorus and vitamins are found in abundance in roasted gram. All these elements are beneficial for health. Gram barfi is also protein rich. Consuming gram barfi maintains the energy level in the body. Even in Ayurveda, gram has been said to be very beneficial.

Eating gram daily is very beneficial
Vaidya ML Mishra, associated with Dhanvantari Kshama Natural Forest Medicine Yoganjali Arogya Kendra, Rewa, says that eating roasted gram every day not only reduces weight rapidly, but it also keeps the heart healthy. Nutrients are found in abundance in gram. By consuming it, the body gets relief from many problems and has many benefits for the body. Gram is very beneficial in getting relief from constipation. Gram contains abundant amounts of manganese, phosphorus, folate and copper, which help in maintaining good blood circulation and improving health. Apart from this, it is also very beneficial in controlling diabetes and weight.

You should also know the recipe
To make gram barfi, first of all you have to put ghee in a pan and heat it. Add flour to the mixture of roasted gram in hot ghee and fry it on low-medium flame while stirring continuously. Later, if desired, you can also add coconut shavings and almond powder to it. After frying a little more, take it out in a plate. In the same pan, add full cream milk as per recipe and cook on high flame till it boils. When it boils, cook while stirring occasionally until about half is reduced and until it thickens. If you want to make sweet barfi then add sugar and if you want to make sugar free sweet barfi then you can also use stevia powder. You can also prepare salty gram barfi by adding black salt to it.

Tags: food 18, Local18, Mp news, winter season

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