This chutney is beneficial for uric acid, eating it daily will give relief

This chutney is beneficial for uric acid, eating it daily will give relief

The problem of high uric acid troubles many people. When the amount of uric acid in the body increases, it can form stones and create gaps in the bones. This causes swelling and pain, which can be very painful. Due to this, the problem of gout can also increase, which causes severe pain and swelling in the joints. In such a situation, eating garlic-mint chutney can be very beneficial. This chutney helps in digesting purine and reduces the pain of gout. Let us know its benefits and easy method of making it. 

Benefits of garlic-mint chutney
Relief in swelling and pain
Garlic and mint both have anti-inflammatory properties. Garlic reduces swelling and pain while mint relieves pain. The chutney made from these two reduces the pain and burning sensation in the bones, which provides relief in the problem of gout.

Helpful in digesting purines
Garlic-mint chutney increases the speed of digestion of purines.  It also speeds up the digestion of proteins. Mint maintains hydration in the body and helps in flushing out toxins. In this way this chutney improves digestion and helps in reducing the level of uric acid.

Method of making garlic-mint chutney

  • Fresh mint leaves
  • 4-5 cloves of garlic
  • 1 green chilli
  • 1 teaspoon mustard oil
  • Salt as per taste

Method of making

  • First of all wash the mint leaves.
  • Peel the garlic cloves and mix them with mint leaves.
  • Add green chilli in it and mix everything and grind it.
  • Now add mustard oil and salt in it.
  • Prepare the chutney by mixing all the ingredients well Do it. 

Benefits of eating chutney
Eating garlic-mint chutney daily gives great relief to patients with high uric acid. This chutney not only reduces the pain of gout but also improves digestion. Its anti-inflammatory properties reduce swelling and pain and keep the body hydrated. Eating this chutney can also reduce the level of uric acid. 

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