This country is troubled by unwanted pregnancy! Now 18-25 year old youth will get free condom

This country is troubled by unwanted pregnancy!  Now 18-25 year old youth will get free condom

Paris. In France, condoms will now be distributed free of cost to the youth. This was announced by the President Emmanuel Macron. He said that this step has been taken to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Under this, condoms will be made available to the youth of 18 to 25 years free of cost in pharmacies. Macron said that this is a small revolution for contraception.

The move comes after the government started offering free birth control to all women below the age of 25 this year. Please tell that the money for condoms is already given by the National Health System. Provided that if the doctor has advised its use. It is also a weapon to fight the spread of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.

condom vending machines installed
According to a report, 96 percent of French high schools have condom vending machines. To promote safe sex and reduce the risk of underage pregnancy, such vending machines have been installed in schools here. In the year 2019, more than 2 crore condoms were sold in one area here.

Sex education will get a boost
Emmanuel Macron said, ‘Overall not very good on the subject of sex education. The reality is quite different. This is one area where we need to do a lot better to educate our teachers.” Macron wore a face mask at the conference, saying he was following “health ministry guidelines” as coronavirus cases began to rise again in some areas.

Tags: condom, france, OMG News

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