This couple has been traveling the world for 2 years, neither worried about rent nor afraid of losing job, created this jugaad

This couple has been traveling the world for 2 years, neither worried about rent nor afraid of losing job, created this jugaad

It is said that if you have passion then everything is possible. Every path becomes easy. One such couple was fond of traveling the world. But there was not enough money to visit every corner of the world. Then one day both of them took a strange decision. Left the job. Sold the house and car and set out. Both have been traveling the world for 2 years. Have created such a lifestyle that there is neither any worry about rent nor the tension of booking a hotel. There is no fear of losing the job. Let us know what trick was used. If you are also fond of travelling, then you can try this kind of idea.

35-year-old Hannah Bull and her husband Rob, resident of Britain, love to travel. Was doing a good job. Hannah is a PR and marketing expert while Rob has always been fond of travelling. Earlier, due to his job, he used to go on holidays only a few days in a year. About 6 years ago he went on a long vacation and spent 2 months on the beach in San Diego, California. It was decided at that very moment that I would do whatever it takes to travel the world. Started saving money since then. But destiny had something else in store.

took shelter in strangers’ houses
After Corona, in January 2022, I felt that life is not the same. Have to see the world. Then we set out. Since there was no place to stay, they took shelter in strangers’ houses. They are living their lives by taking care of animals and doing small jobs. The couple took care of horses on a farm in Arizona. Taught English to students in a kindergarten in Budapest. He went to Costa Rica, helped edit a book there, and even lived among people fighting in a chicken coop in Montenegro. Helped him to remain calm. Talking to Daily Mail, Hannah said, when I lost my job due to Covid, we felt that everything cannot end like this. Job is not everything. Then we took this step.

Visited more than 40 cities
Bulls’ plan was that with the money they had in savings, they would be able to travel comfortably for 3 years. But in the meantime, he got the idea that he will continue doing small freelance work, this will allow him to travel and will also get a chance to know the local people. Both of them mostly go to such houses where they can take care of pets. Can spend time with them. Many times they also apply online. He was seen taking care of wild tortoises in Montenegro. In the last 2 years, both have visited more than 40 cities.

Tags: Bizarre news, OMG News, Shocking news, trending news, Weird news

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