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Often we remember many food and drink items for centuries. This is the childhood time of human life. When children’s flocks wait to buy many things in childhood, enjoy many things and enjoy it a lot …Read more
Candy seller
- See childhood memories by watching the video.
- Mohammad Farooq has been selling air sweets for 15 years.
- Eating candy makes both children and elders happy.
Purnia:- We all get that childhood time once in life, when we enjoy a lot by eating many things while laughing, playing, singing. Actually this childhood is also fun. In this era, there are many things of eating and drinking, which we are unable to eat when they grow up. In such a situation, by watching this video, you will also think about reinforcing your childhood memory once.
Often we remember many food and drink items for centuries. This is the childhood time of human life. When children’s flocks wait to buy many things in childhood, they enjoy a lot by eating many things. In such a situation, something happens that if we eat in childhood, then it becomes difficult to meet in old age. But it is not so, even today there are many childhood things that you will easily find on the village, locality and road.
This thing reminds me of childhood
If you also watch this video, then you will definitely have some memories of your childhood. You will find this shop to fresh childhood memories. Actually, we are talking about the air sweets eaten in childhood. Children like it very much, but now it is becoming a choice for the elder people and even the big people still stop their shops and eat air sweets and candy and enjoy a lot to fresh childhood memories.
Aerial sweets are now leaving wages
Mohammad Farooq, the shopkeeper of Purnia Rani Patra, who sells Candy, Hawaii Sweets, tells local 18 years that he has been doing business of air sweet for the last 15 years. Earlier, he used to feed himself and his family by working wages. But due to lack of proper earning in wages, he stopped working and started making candy.
However, in the initial stages, he found it difficult for a little. But now this work has gradually become very easy for them. He said that air sweets candy is prepared with the help of sugar in the machine making candy on this bicycle. After eating this candy, people enjoy a lot.
Remember your childhood after eating candy
He told Local 18 that he wanders in different streets of Purnia city and sells candy daily and feeds children. However, he says that not only children, but also big people come to eat this aerial sweetness i.e. to eat and eat their childhood memory by eating it with great fervor. By selling air sweets and candy, they take out their wages up to 500 rupees daily, due to which they can maintain their family properly.