This family is of 185 people, the stove is lit at 4 in the morning, five bags of vegetables are prepared every day, they eat this many rotis.

This family is of 185 people, the stove is lit at 4 in the morning, five bags of vegetables are prepared every day, they eat this many rotis.

Nowadays you mostly find nuclear families. In earlier times, many brothers lived together in the same house. His family also lived in the same house. With more people around, household chores became easier. Children were easily fed. It is also true that where there are four utensils, there is sound. Something similar used to happen in joint families. Because of this, people gradually started living separately.

Nowadays, most of the people shift to a separate house after marriage. Some cite their job, while others have some other compulsion. You must have heard about that family in Mizoram, India, where 199 people once lived together. But have you ever heard about the biggest joint family of Rajasthan? We are talking about a family living in Ajmer, where a total of 185 people live together.

six generations live together
This family of 185 people lives in Ramsar village of Ajmer. People of six generations live together here. Birdichand’s father, the oldest member of the family, had asked him to keep the family together. Following this advice, he has kept his entire family together in this way. There are many problems in keeping the family together but these people solve everything among themselves. The family has five hundred bighas of land for earning. On this, members do farming and grow grains and vegetables.

Difficult for women to cook
Cooking three meals a day for 185 people is the most difficult task. The women of the house start preparing for it since morning. Here the stove is lit from four in the morning. Instead of one stove, food is cooked on thirteen stoves. Forty kilos of vegetables and fifty kilos of flour are made here every day. The member of the family told that the annual income of his house is two crore rupees. There are about eighty bikes parked outside the house, which belong to the members.

Tags: Awesome Awesome, Family, Shocking news, Weird news

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