This fish can fly as well as swim know in which sea These fish are found

This fish can fly as well as swim know in which sea These fish are found

Fish is the queen of water, life is its water.. Almost every person must have read this poem in childhood. But do you know that there is a fish which, besides being the queen of water, can also fly in the air. Yes, today we will tell you about one such fish. Apart from living in water, it also flies in the air.

species of fish

Thousands of species of fish are found on earth. Some of these fish are found in the deep sea, while some are found in rivers. Not only this, till date there are many such fishes about which scientists do not even know. But today we will tell you about a fish which can live in water and also fly in the air. However, they cannot fly very far.

fish have fins

Let us tell you that perhaps you have not seen any fish’s fins that you have seen till date. But you will also be surprised to know what we are going to tell you today. Actually these fish always remain in water. But there are some unique fishes which can fly in the air. Not only this, their speed is very fast. According to the information, these fish can fly only up to 200 meters. This fish is called glider. These fish also have fins, which are attached to their sides. With the help of these wings these fish are able to fly.

flying fish

These fishes which fly while living in water are called flying fish. Usually the length of these fish is 17 to 30 centimeters. According to the information, when they have to escape from predatory fishes in the sea, they fly in the air. However, once they come out of the water, they fly into the air and come back into the water. After coming out of the water, these fish spread their wings. One specialty of these fish is that they can see clearly both inside and outside the water.

flies up to 200 meters

According to scientists, these fish are very good gliders. However, when the water temperature is below 20 degrees, these fish are not able to fly as effectively. The reason for this is their muscles, which start becoming weak in low temperatures. This fish is also known as β€˜flying fish’ all over the world.

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