This frog is more poisonous than a snake, can kill 10 humans at once

This frog is more poisonous than a snake, can kill 10 humans at once

Lakhs of species of animals are found around the world. Among these animals, there are many animals which are very poisonous. Like snake is considered the most poisonous animal. If a poisonous snake bites a person, he may even die. But today we will tell you about a frog which is more poisonous than a snake. Yes, the snake about which we are going to tell is quite poisonous.

Poisonous Frog

Let us tell you that generally there are snakes around the houses. -The frogs seen nearby are much less poisonous. But the frog we are going to tell you about today is about two inches long. Yes, hunters in Colombia use its poison to sink their arrows. According to National Geographic, there is no accurate information about this frog being poisonous. But it is believed that this poison comes from plants and poisonous insects. This is because the frogs that live in different parts of this world are not poisonous. 

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Research on frogs

According to the information, this frog is so poisonous that even just touching it can cause death to a person. Medical scientists are exploring the medical utility of this frog. He believes that it can be used in making many types of medicines. Scientists are trying to make powerful pain killers with its help.

Frogs are dangerous

These frogs can be yellow, orange or light green in color. Are. Their color may also vary according to places. This small poisonous creature eats flies, ants, and termites. Whenever any kind of danger is felt, poison starts coming out from the skin of this frog. Even if this poison just applies to human skin, its effect starts. After which the human’s pulse starts shrinking and after some time he may die.

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Many species

For information According to this, there are more than a hundred species of these bright frogs. Most of which species live within a small plot of rain forest on the Pacific coast of Colombia. There is abundance of them even in a small area. Although. With the destruction of the rainforest, the existence of this frog is also in danger.

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