This girl became a mother at the age of 5 years and 6 months, even today people are surprised to hear this

This girl became a mother at the age of 5 years and 6 months, even today people are surprised to hear this

At the age of 5, children do not even learn to speak properly, hence it would be very difficult for anyone to believe that such a small girl has become a mother at this age. Actually this incident happened in the year 1939. When the stomach of a 5 year 7 month old girl was growing rapidly and her parents thought that there was a tumor in their child’s stomach, but it turned out to be something else."text-align: justify;">It was difficult for the parents to believe
Lena Medina lived with her parents in a village. When his stomach started growing, his parents feared that he had a tumor in his stomach. Due to which people advised them to get their daughter treated in a hospital located outside the village. When he took his daughter to the doctor, he was told that there was no tumor in his daughter’s stomach but she was pregnant. Hearing this, he could not understand at all how this happened. Whoever was listening to this did not believe it.

The child was born by cesarean
Lena Medina gave birth to a healthy son at the age of 5 years, 7 months and 21 days. Their child was 3 kg. It is said that Leena started having menstruation at the age of 3 years. Doctors said that perhaps she had been sexually abused, although the truth was never revealed. Later in the year 1972, Leena Medina got married to someone else and she also gave birth to a son from her husband. However, his first son died at the age of 40.                        

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