This graduate fast food restaurant is special once you eat chicken and egg roll, it will become your favorite destination – News18 Hindi

This graduate fast food restaurant is special once you eat chicken and egg roll, it will become your favorite destination – News18 Hindi

Manish Kumar/Katihar. There is now a lot of curiosity among the youth not just about doing a job but about giving a job. In such a situation, after graduation, the youth are not only looking for a job but are also taking out time and taking help of different types of businesses to become self-reliant. There are many youth who are creating a distinct identity by setting up stalls of various types of special food prepared by them. One such example is Raja Kumar alias Rajnandan, a resident of Gaushala in Katihar, Bihar.

Actually, Raja alias Rajnandan has been making egg rolls and chicken rolls at Gaushala Chowk in Katihar for almost 10 years. Which is becoming a special food destination for the entire Katihar as well as the surrounding people. Chicken and egg rolls prepared by Raja Kumar alias Rajnandan are in great demand. Every day 300 to 400 customers come to his place and eat chicken roll and egg roll.

This is how it is prepared
Shopkeeper Raja says that he makes chicken rolls in a special way. First add some spices along with onion, capsicum and carrot. Which comes from home. After this, masala is prepared for the roll by adding boneless chicken. Then the tasty roll is given to the customers. Here you are given a plate of chicken roll for Rs 60.

Such taste is not available in the entire district
One who eats the chicken rolls and egg rolls prepared by them once, comes again and again. If we talk about the price, egg roll is given to the customers for ₹ 30 while chicken roll is given to the customers for ₹ 60. Customers also say that the chicken roll and egg roll prepared by this young man is very tasty. People come from far and wide to eat here. Some customers say that the taste of chicken roll and egg roll here is not found anywhere else in Katihar, that is why people often come here and eat. Overall, if you also like to eat chicken roll and egg roll, then you can enjoy chicken roll and egg roll by reaching Gaushala Chowk in Katihar.

Tags: Bihar News, food, Katihar news, Local18

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