This is a very unique book, if you read it straight then it is Ramayana, if you read it upside down then it is Bhagwat, do you know about it?

This is a very unique book, if you read it straight then it is Ramayana, if you read it upside down then it is Bhagwat, do you know about it?

Some very amazing literature can be seen in Indian Hindu culture. People in the world may keep debating on its historicity and authenticity, but from literary point of view it can be called a very unique creation. Till date, no other work like Mahabharata has been created in the world which combines hundreds of characters in one book. Many more unique texts have been composed in India. There is such a unique and wonderful book, which when read straight, gives the meaning of one story and when read upside down, the meaning of another story emerges. The name of this book is Raghavayadaviyam.

Raghavayadaviyam is actually a Sanskrit source. It has been written by the 17th century poet Venkatadhwari of Kanchipuram. Each verse can be read both straight and reverse and has different meaning from both the sides. In this way, the 30 stanzas of the poem are actually 60 stanzas.

Due to this quality, it becomes the only unique book in the world. It is also called Anulom-Vilom poetry, that is, every verse of this book gives different meanings in reverse. The interesting thing about this book is the inclusion of both Ramayana and Krishna Bhagwat. The first verse of this book is,
वंदेऽहं देवं तं श्रीतं रंतारं कालं भासा यः।
Ramo Ramadhirapyago Leelamarayodhe Vaase.

By reading all the verses of this poem directly, the meaning of the story of Ramayana emerges. (Symbolic photo: Canva)

On reading the verse directly, the meaning comes out that, “I bow down at the feet of Lord Shri Ram in whose heart Sitaji lives and who, for his wife Sita, went to Lanka through the Sahyadri hills, killed Ravana and completed his exile. Returned to Ayodhya.

When this verse is read in reverse, it is formed like this.
Sevadheyyo Ramalali Gopyaradhi Bharamora.
Yassabhalankaram taram tam shritam vandeham devam.
The meaning of this verse is, “I bow down at the feet of Lord Shri Krishna, the worshiper of Rukmini and the Gopis, who is always seated with Mother Lakshmi and whose beauty surpasses the beauty of all the gems.

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In this way, each stanza is actually two stanzas and when read straight, they are 30 stanzas telling the story of Ramayana, whereas when read backwards, they become separate 30 stanzas.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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