This is the happiest animal, famous all over the world for its smiling face.


Many species of animals are found in the world. Every living being is unique in itself. Some creatures are known for their size, some for their voice, some for being dangerous. But today we are going to tell you about the happiest animal in the world, seeing this animal will bring a smile on your face. Tourists also take a lot of photographs with this animal.

What is the name of this animal?

The name of the happiest animal in the world is Quokka. It is found in the swampy areas and forests of Western Australia. Let us tell you that its smile is quite charming. This animal, which looks like a rat in body, is as big as a cat. According to the information, they come in the category of marsupials, that is, animals that keep their baby in their pouch like a kangaroo. The face of this animal is always seen smiling, looking at this animal it seems as if it is laughing. But this does not happen, the structure of its face is such that it seems that it is smiling happily.

The happiest animals of the world

This Due to the unique structure of the animal’s smiling face, it has been given the title of the happiest animal in the world. This cute animal named Quokka is very popular among the tourists coming to Australia. Tourists often like to click selfies with him, not only this, whenever any tourist clicks a selfie with him, he poses smilingly lovingly.

Lives with family. These animals are

Quocca, found in Western Australia, usually likes to live with its family or in groups. According to the information, they come out more at night. They generally live in the marshy areas in the western part of Australia, apart from this they are also seen in large numbers on Rottnest Island. 


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