This is the happiest country in the world, where no one remains unhappy

This is the happiest country in the world, where no one remains unhappy

On the one hand, in most of the countries, every person is facing some problem in his life, on the other hand, can you imagine a country where every person seems happy. If not, then today we are going to tell about one such country. Actually the name of this country is Finland. Which has remained at number one in the World Happiness Index for 6 consecutive years.

What is the number one measure of happiness?
The people of Finland are the happiest people in the world. Every year the World Happiness Index releases the list of countries whose people are the happiest people in the world. In this survey, one thousand people from each of the 146 countries of the world are included and their life quality, social support system, corruption, personal life etc. are estimated on a rating scale of 0 to 10. Finland’s name is at number one in this report.

Why are the people here happy?
The population here lives in harmony with each other. People’s relationships with each other are very strong. People here like to live life with freedom and also have the freedom to take their own life decisions. There is lower income inequality, high social support and negligible corruption here. In fact, the people here have a feeling of living for the community. People try to keep each other happy. Besides, people also follow rules in everyday life.

Spend time with family, friends and neighbors
A research has been done on Finland. In which it has come to light that if you spend time with family, friends and neighbors then you will share your problems with them. Due to which your worries will reduce and the people around you will help you in eliminating those problems. Also, people here give priority to those things which make them happy.                            

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