This is the last road in the world know why there is a ban on going alone here

This is the last road in the world know why there is a ban on going alone here

Do you also wonder while looking at roads or paths that where does it end? Many times such questions come to mind that where is the last corner of the road, where will be the last point of the road or paths. If you think of such questions, then this article is for you. Today we will tell you where is the last road in the world.


It is often seen that many kinds of questions come to the mind of humans. One of these questions is where does the end of the world end? What does the view look like after the last road? Hardly anyone will have the answers to these questions, but today we will tell you where such a place is.

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the end of the world

There is a road in the European country Norway, which is known as the last road of the world. According to the information, after the end of this road, you can see only the sea and the glacier. Apart from this, there is nothing else to see ahead. This road is known as the E-69 highway.

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where is this place

Let us tell you that the North Pole is the farthest point on Earth, the Earth’s axis rotates from here, Norway is also located here. The E-69 highway connects the end of the Earth to Norway. The road ends here at a place from where you cannot see any path ahead. You will see only snow everywhere, the length of the road here is about 14 km.

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can anyone go here

Now you must be thinking that anyone can go here. But in reality it is not so. Let us tell you that if you are thinking of going alone on the E-69 highway and want to see the end of the world up close, then for this you will have to form a group, only then you will get permission to go till here. No person is allowed to go alone on this road nor can vehicles go here. There is a thick sheet of snow spread everywhere for several kilometers, due to which there is a danger of getting lost here.

The weather here during day and night is also completely different. Due to the North Pole, it remains dark here for six months in winter, while in summer the sun is visible continuously. During winter, day is not seen here and in summer there is no night here. However, despite so many difficulties, many people live here. At this place, the temperature reaches minus 43 degrees in winter and zero degrees in summer.

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