This is the most dangerous lake in the world! If you go inside you will become a mummy

This is the most dangerous lake in the world!  If you go inside you will become a mummy

There are many lakes in the world, which are very beautiful and have their own special identity. Although some lakes are beautiful in appearance but in reality they are also very dangerous. Natron Lake is included among them. Which is located in Tanzania. It would not be wrong if this lake is called one of the most dangerous lakes in the world. Let us know the reason for this.

Why is Natron Lake dangerous?
Although Natron Lake looks very beautiful. Its water looks bright orange in color, but it is actually so dangerous that anyone who enters it turns into a mummy. The reason for which is the micro organisms present in this lake. However, it is not that no animals are present in this lake. Some small species of animals are present in this pond, but when they die, they become mummies in the same pond. It is as if nature has applied a layer on them.

Why does no body decompose in this lake?
Actually, the reason why no body decomposes in this lake even after death is due to soda salt. Due to this, this lake is also known as Zombie Lake. Many people believe that this lake is magical. In fact, many animals and birds around this lake are transformed into statues. The reason for which is that they get mummified after going to this lake or after death. The length of this lake is 56 kilometers and its width is 24 kilometers.

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