This is the most expensive book of world named codex leicester by leonardo da vinci owned by Bill Gates Now price 49.4 Million Dollar

This is the most expensive book of world named codex leicester by leonardo da vinci owned by Bill Gates Now price 49.4 Million Dollar

Most Expensive Book Of World: Books are true companions of any person. It is also said that if you have the company of books, positive changes start coming in your life. In such a situation, the prices of most of the books are such that they remain within the reach of more and more people. But do you know that there are some books in the world which, let alone buying and reading them, you will get dizzy even just calculating their price. There will be so many numbers involved that it will not be possible to understand what the real price is. Yes, we are talking about the most expensive book in the world. Let us know about it today.

what is the name of the book

The name of this book is Codex Lester. It was written by Leonardo da Vinci in the 15th century. If we talk about the country, then this Florence is from Italy. This is a hand written book which was published in 1510. It has a total of 72 pages or 18 sheets. Its name comes at the top in the list of the most expensive book in the world.

who is the owner

This book was bought by Bill Gates in 1994. At that time its price was paid at 49.4 million dollars. If we talk in Indian currency, it is around Rs 410 crore. In this book, Leonardo da Vinci has given his opinion on many subjects, like astronomy, geology, water theory etc. Let us know which other books are named in this list.

This book is on the second position

The name of the book which can be placed second in this list is Magna Carta. According to various reports, this book is from 808 years ago i.e. around 1215. Its authors are John and the King of England. This book is currently kept in the British Library. There are copies each in Lincoln Castle and Salisbury Cathedral. This book was sold for 24.5 million dollars i.e. about Rs 225 crore.

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