This law will now be applicable in South Korea for those who like to eat dog meat.

This law will now be applicable in South Korea for those who like to eat dog meat.

The tradition of eating dog meat has been going on in South Korea for the last several decades. Many people here like this meat very much, for which traders also rear dogs and many farmers are also involved in this trade. However, now the people of South Korea can eat this meat for only three more years due to the new law there. In fact, there is a ban on selling dog meat and breeding dogs for their meat in South Korea. Recently, this law has been passed in the Parliament there under which dog meat will be banned in the country by 2027.

Although there are many people in South Korea who do not eat this meat but they are against this law. This law has been passed unanimously in the country’s parliament with the approval of 208 parliamentarians. No one opposed this law in the Parliament, but people involved in dog meat trade in the country are not happy with this law. He says that he is planning to file a petition against this law.

There will be punishment not for eating dog meat but for trading it. Under this law, which will be implemented in South Korea from 2027, there will be a punishment of two to three years for trading dog meat. There is a provision, but no punishment will be given for eating dog meat. Let us tell you that dog meat has been eaten in Korea for many decades, but recently the opposition to it has increased.

There will be punishment not for eating dog meat but for trading it.
Under this law, which will be implemented in South Korea from 2027, there is a provision of two to three years of punishment for trading in dog meat, but no punishment will be given for eating dog meat. Let us tell you that people in Korea have been eating dog meat for centuries, but recently the opposition to it has increased. However, there are many people in the country who do not eat dog meat. 

It has been said in the draft of this law that this law will help in understanding the values ​​of one’s right to life and respecting life. And humans and animals have been brought together for the purpose of living well together. At the same time, many people had gathered outside the Parliament of the country after the passing of this law and they also raised slogans in favor of this law.                                                 

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