This one thing makes vegetable gravy super tasty, know the right way to use it, everyone will lick their fingers


Curd should be mixed in gravy only after beating it well.
If lumps are left in the curd, the taste of the gravy may get spoiled.

Use of Curd in Vegetable Gravy: The real taste of many Indian vegetables comes only because of their gravy. Many types of ingredients are used to make gravy of any vegetable, but curd is definitely used in most of the gravy. Curd is such a super ingredient that enhances the taste of gravy manifold. Along with this, curd is also very beneficial in terms of health. Along with keeping the stomach fit, it also helps in maintaining the cooling of the body, which is why it is used a lot in food. However, if you are making gravy, then it is necessary to use curd properly, otherwise there may be a slight decrease in the taste of gravy.
Today we are telling you some easy tips on how to use curd in gravy. With the help of these tips, gravy can be made even more delicious with the help of curd. Let’s know about them.

Shake before use While making gravy of vegetables, many people add curd directly or after whisking it a little, but by doing this the taste remains a bit mild. That’s why it is important that whenever you want to use curd, beat it well first so that it becomes completely smooth. If lumps remain in the curd, it can spoil the taste of the vegetable.

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Check the consistency before mixing – It is also important to check the consistency of curd before adding it to the gravy. For this, first add some water to the curd and then whisk it. Use plain water to maintain the consistency of curd. The water should neither be too cold nor too hot.

Mix on low flame Before adding curd to the gravy, make sure that the gas flame is low. If you want, you can add curd to the gravy even after turning off the gas. Actually, curd can curd on high heat, in such a case small lumps of curd (lums) can be felt in the dish. Due to this, the whole fun of eating can also be gritty.

mix continuously While preparing the gravy for the vegetable, once the curd is added, then keep stirring the gravy continuously while cooking it on a low flame, this will cook the curd mixed in the gravy completely and the taste of the vegetable will be enhanced.

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Cook till oil separates Even after spending a lot of ingredients and time in making the gravy, many people do not give enough time to cook it, due to which the full flavor of the vegetable is not available. After adding curd to the gravy, cook it till the oil starts leaving the gravy. When the gravy leaves oil, it is completely cooked.

Tags: food, Lifestyle, Tips and Tricks

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