This outside food can harm health, know what are the side effects

This outside food can harm health, know what are the side effects

Experimental Foods Side Effects: Outside food is considered harmful for health. Nowadays, hotel and restaurant owners have started experimenting a lot, which is affecting people’s health. Dry ice is also a part of this experiment. It was just a few days ago, when some people accidentally consumed dry ice and spoiled their health. However, it is also true that not all experiments done on food items are harmful for health, but some can have adverse effects. In such a situation, whenever you go to a hotel or restaurant, be careful while eating fancy food items.

Why is dry ice harmful?

Dry ice used in restaurants is prepared with the effect of smoke. This is frozen carbon dioxide. Doctors say that it is not for eating, not only this, coming in contact with it can cause harm to the skin. According to the doctor, carbon dioxide can burn if it comes in contact with the skin. The amount of oxygen in a room closed with dry ice also reduces.

In such a situation, it is being used to show the effect of smoke. Therefore it is more dangerous. This affects the surrounding oxygen and can even lead to unconsciousness. It can be very harmful if eaten or drunk.

Stomach harm caused by liquid nitrogen

Nowadays, smoke rising from cocktail-mocktail drinks is seen in bars and restaurants. This smoke contains liquid nitrogen. A few years ago, a similar cocktail was reported to have caused a hole in a person’s stomach. Then somehow life was saved by cutting the affected part of the stomach. According to the doctor, liquid nitrogen is very cold. When it comes to normal temperature, a reaction similar to the explosion of a bomb occurs. When it reaches the stomach it causes harm. It can even cause harm to the mouth. If its smoke reaches the nose directly, it can cause serious harm. When it is mixed in food the problems increase.

cotton candy

Cotton candy, which children eat with great enthusiasm, is being used in pubs and bars these days. It is served to customers with cocktails-mocktails and coffee. It is applied over drinks. Dangerous chemicals are found in it. Recently cotton candy has been banned in Puducherry and Tamil Nadu. Rhodamine-B chemical was found in it, which can cause cancer. Doctors say that it contains too much sugar, which can be dangerous.

Flamby Foods

A new way of serving food has come in restaurants. In which when food is brought, when it is hot and fire is coming out of it. In some restaurants, food is being heated on fire on the table itself. Before this, some liquid is poured on the food, which is alcohol. That’s why it also catches fire. It is called Flamby Food. Experts say that this can also harm the body. You may get burned if you keep it in your mouth. If it contains alcohol, the fire does not extinguish quickly and may also fall on the clothes. This may also lead to an accident.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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