This Part Of The Body Can Never Produce Sweat

This Part Of The Body Can Never Produce Sweat

You must have often heard people saying that this is my hard-earned money. This means that they have worked hard and sweated and earned money. Although sweating is a normal process. All living things sweat. In summer, one starts sweating after doing some hard work; after running around a little, one starts sweating. Sweating is necessary because it is a natural process to keep the body cool. But do you know that one part of the body does not sweat? Which part is that? Let us know.

lips do not sweat

We have often seen that our body sweats a lot but there is one part of the body where sweating does not occur. And that is human lips. If you have ever noticed, you will understand that yes, indeed, there is no sweat on the lips. But what is the reason behind this, why there is no sweat on the lips? One of the most sensitive body parts of a human being is his lips.

There is no layer on the lips to protect them. The reason for lack of sweating on the lips is that there are no sweat glands in the lips, that is, the glands which produce sweat in the body are not there in the lips and this is the reason why the lips dry up quickly.

Sweating occurs due to this gland

The gland in the body that produces sweat is called exocrine gland. Which is spread over the entire part of the body. Which is also known as Sudoriparous gland. Sudoriparous gland is named after the Latin word ‘sudor’. Which means sweat.

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