This person came back from a corner after touching death, his breathing stopped for 45 minutes

This person came back from a corner after touching death, his breathing stopped for 45 minutes

There is a movie of Salman Khan and Nawazuddin Siddiqui called ‘Kick’. Nawaz has a dialogue in it, ‘I can touch death and come back’. Actually, Nawaz’s character in this movie could hold his breath for a long time.

Although, this was a movie story, but in the case that has come to light now, this has really happened to a person. Actually, this person’s breath stopped for 45 minutes and then suddenly he became alive. Let’s know how this happened.

What is the whole matter?

This case is from America. Here a person named Vincent Tolman was in the lap of death for about 45 minutes. Actually, Vincent had taken a heavy dose of bodybuilding supplements, this dose was so dangerous that it worsened Vincent’s condition and by the time he reached the hospital, he had stopped breathing.

The doctors declared him dead and asked to take his body to the morgue. When his body was being taken to the morgue, suddenly he started breathing and he became alive. According to the doctors, Vincent’s breathing had stopped for about 45 minutes.

What did Vincent say after becoming alive?

According to the report of Business Insider, when Vincent regained consciousness, he told that after dying I met a person named Drake. He told me how many good and bad things I have done in my life. When I asked Drake, are you God? So Drake said no, I am his messenger.

Vincent said that during this time I realized all the good and bad deeds done in my life. After this Drake put two options in front of Vincent, to be alive again and to choose death. Vincent said that after hearing this question I remembered my mother and I chose the option of life.

What does science say on this?

In science it is seen as a near death experience. A study on this was published in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences journal. In this study it was said that for a long time it was believed that not breathing and not having a pulse is a sign of death.

But sometimes it happens that the stopped breathing and stopped pulse come back again. This happens especially with those who drown in water. This happens in many other cases as well. Therefore, now science will have to consider other parameters of death as well.

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